Thursday, December 15, 2011


The usual:  name, age, and where you from?
This is already hard, There's really nothing usual about me… First off my real name is Jimi Ball!!! Who names their kid that? Age? Younger then dirt but I was at his third birthday party, Born in El Paso. So pissed about being named after my dad's junk I ran away to lived in a cave in the mountains of New Mexico. Ay the age of twelve I was captured by Turkish gangsters, shipped to Austin, Texas and forced to make counterfeit Heelies… Where I work to this day.  
How did these pieces come about?
 I made a Trojun Crue sign for P-dog one day when was all hopped up on power pellets. So of corse Fresh Had to have one and i just happened to have a stack of blown up rims because D.E. Fresh spent all summer destroying them. So I made him one from something that could have been a rim at some point…. And it turned out SIIICK!!! Witch lead to this one. and is my favorite so far. Now everybody wants some!!!!!

What keeps you motivated and creating art?
COOL MOTHERFUCKERS and original people and Fucking with the rest of you fake assholes!!!! Music!!!
How does creating effect your normal life?
I've never had one of these… How you say? Normal Life? It's just always been there.
Whats in store for the Trojun Crue?
Beer. maybe some vids, beer, fire, dirt bikes and shit, hopefully some tittys and a shit load of good times.

All my real friends(You know who you are.) and anyone who puts up with my crazy!!! All the bro's and ho's (and I mean ho's in the most loving way… You know I love you bitches!!!) 

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